Friday, September 12, 2008

IN HONOR OF MY FATHER March 4, 1937- Sept. 12,2006

Word of the Day --"Legacy"

Definition--something handed on or left unfinished by those who came before, or money or property handed down by will.

What is your legacy? What will you leave for those who come after you? These are questions most of us ponder at some point in life. Whether we choose to define it as the money we accumulate or the deeds we do or the people we influence, it is rather tied with how we view the meaning of life. In life, there is a similar triangle--astound, serve, and provoke. Is your goal in life to perform great deeds like Mother Teresa, or to be provocative like Howard Stern? Undoubtedly, we all desire some element of each in different proportions, and most favor one over the others. That makeup defines the nature of our legacy and what we strive to accomplish in our lives.

1 comment:

that girl said...

well said, mama green.